12Friends 23Fans
male Bangalore, India
anujseth is
16 years ago
taking a week long break from PLURKfox development as I'm traveling this week.
anujseth has
16 years ago
requested his first payout from CreditBurner. Lets see if I get paid in the next 3 days or not!
anujseth says
16 years ago
PLURKfox Update #1 -->
anujseth says
16 years ago 2
Skeletal app for PLURKfox created. I should have the first proto for this Firefox extension ready in the next few days -
anujseth thinks
16 years ago
: To Tweet or Plurk. That is the question! :-)
anujseth has
16 years ago 2
just deleted over 1.5 GB of cache files generated in a couple of days from one of his sites. Caching logic bug in my PHP code.
anujseth is
16 years ago
trying out some new experiments with Digg
anujseth is
16 years ago
going to plan out Plurkfox requirements this weeked
anujseth feels
16 years ago 1
a tool like TwitterFox for Plurk would be it PlurkFox --> --> Coming soon.
anujseth asks
16 years ago 1
Would you guys like to use Firefox extension called PlurkFox -- on the lines of TwitterFox? I might develop one depending on interest levels