Aris Pevensie
7Friends 5Fans
male Blitar, Indonesia
Aku itu.. entahlah.
Bukannya q tidak mengenal diriku sendiri.
Tapi q memang tidak bisa menilai hal-hal seperti itu.
Aris Pevensie bilang
12 years ago
Hunting program for my minor thesis..
Mr. Google, please help me..
It has been an hour..
Aris Pevensie bilang
12 years ago 1
Oh, one more plurks!!
Im bad in counting
Aris Pevensie bilang
12 years ago
Ups, i'm forget..
This is my 100th plurks, so i will get more badget..Yeah!!
Aris Pevensie bilang
12 years ago 1
Good by notebook..
It's the time for open the eyes and enjoy the morning world..
Aris Pevensie berbagi
12 years ago 1
Sunday morning, reading newspaper..
Xixixi, i'm like business man..
Tontowi/Liliyana ke Final All England
Aris Pevensie berbagi
12 years ago
Hu'um nyumy, it's will be delicious..
The devil noodle,
But until now, i haven't had a change to taste it.
Aris Pevensie pikir
12 years ago
i have known that the emotions at this plurk can movement
Aris Pevensie pikir
12 years ago 1
I have lost my personelized, haven't i?
Aris Pevensie
12 years ago
5:13 AM Still, What will i do at this time?
This is lazy time to clean the house..
Brr.. cold and warm (in my blanket) wkwkwk
Aris Pevensie
12 years ago
Finally I'm coming home,
Wow, that's was the long way..
I were be the duck that followed the truck at way..