2Friends 5Fans
male San Jose, CA, United States
arjedi says
12 years ago
iPhone 5.
arjedi says
12 years ago
EW&F, Stevie Wonder, C-Lo...seriously, best Autumn Festival band ever.
#autumnfestival funk oldschool
arjedi says
12 years ago
Premium Rush = Quicksilver+Rad+Joy Luck Club. Expendables = pure 80's camp awesomeness. "You've been 'back' enough! I'll be back!"
arjedi says
12 years ago
7:30, 9:00, 11:00. Ah, the life of a liturgical musician...good thing I have a dedicated wife and choir I can drag around the diocese. Hehe
arjedi says
12 years ago
Creative Casting Juices are still flowing: Michael Peña for Marco Rubio. Race Card, I know.
arjedi says
12 years ago
I think it was a little too late for Clint Eastwood to change careers from Actor/Director to stand-up comic.
arjedi says
12 years ago
Hope Davis could play Ann Romney. Chelsea Handler for Paul Ryan's wife. Don't have anyone yet for Paul Ryan.
arjedi says
12 years ago
If HBO were smart, they'd cast Matthew Fox right now as Mitt Romney for the eventual movie about the 2012 elections. :-)
arjedi says
12 years ago
You know it's been a bad day when you grab the TV remote and point it at the fan to turn it on.
#SMH remotefail
arjedi says
12 years ago
You were the first among us to take a step in another heavenly body and inspired a generation to journey to the stars. RIP Neil Armstrong.