33Friends 63Fans
male El Paso, TX, United States
Hello, I'm Kelly, proud father, bartender of 16 years and an advice consultant. If you would like to know anything bout me...just ask.
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
Does plurk allow you to add more pics up?
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
i'm a plurking away...
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
Still haveing trouble figuering this plurk out..what does plurk mean anyways???
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
Does anyone wants to read blogs?
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
Saying plurk makes me sound like a chicken..
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
plurk plurk plurk
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
plurk, plurk, plurk...i sound like a chicken
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago
i'm a plurk!!!!
askkellyforadvice says
15 years ago 5
i need friends...need more karma