4Friends 83Fans
female Dunkirk, NY, United States
I'm an illustrator/fantasy artist living with my llady (ladydragontear), our 2 cats and 7 hermit crabs. In my free time I engage in rabid fangirlism of the fantasy and sci-fi variety.
badgerthegnome says
14 years ago 1
yaaaaaaaaay my llady is home (heart_beat)
14 years ago
Replurk if you have a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered friend in your life that you love & accept unconditionally.
badgerthegnome is
14 years ago
so proud of her llady! (heart)
badgerthegnome is
14 years ago
reeling from finding out about the recent DeviantART gender choice "issue" that happened recently. Wow.
badgerthegnome is
14 years ago
hanging out with her llady (heart_beat)
badgerthegnome is
14 years ago
home from the new day job :-))
badgerthegnome has
14 years ago
a working computer, and a job, again!!! (woot)
14 years ago
just went on a mini-spree of adding new Gnome pictures to her Gnome group on DA :-))
badgerthegnome says
14 years ago
Blessed Samhain/Happy Halloween everyone!!!
14 years ago 2
loves also when friends are acting kinda jerkish for no reason (annoyed)