6Friends 26Fans
male untitled city, Indonesia
i'm killer of another gods

baher pikir
15 years ago
hwahh... cpe w !
baher pikir
15 years ago
huah... cpe bgt guah
baher pikir
15 years ago
akh malay bgt guah...
baher pikir
15 years ago
feel better...
baher pikir
15 years ago
i dunno, whats in your mind...
baher pikir
15 years ago
yess, sukses jd alay dngn clna pndek, sndal jpit btut ma kaos oblong di senayan city
baher pikir
15 years ago
ay ay ay wadefak
baher pikir
15 years ago
gut nite, hve a nice dream babe ! :-)
baher pikir
15 years ago
the love is never understanding
baher pikir
15 years ago
hoahh... lburan msti blajar malay amt om !