pei yiinq
187Friends 58Fans
female Klang, Malaysia
pei yiinq
14 years ago
如果两个人分手之后我不再见你并大声说 我恨你……那说明我不舍得离开你
pei yiinq
14 years ago
如果两个人分手之后依 旧可以做朋友做的事……那说明我想让你记住我
pei yiinq
14 years ago 1
如果两个人分手之后做了朋友……那说明我从来没有爱过你 ­­­
pei yiinq
14 years ago
Dunwan why look at you. I know you was very angry of something. But I really dunknow what you angry about. Sorry.
pei yiinq
14 years ago
You are my only love now.
pei yiinq
14 years ago
I'm so proud of myself . Yesterday.
pei yiinq
14 years ago
The reason I less come here is because..i am trying myself to forget someone.
pei yiinq
14 years ago
Sorry. Make you jealous .
pei yiinq
14 years ago
I hope he can get a good result . Hope...
pei yiinq
14 years ago
45 ppl will go for on friday ;-)