22Friends 5Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
belbelbelynoss says
13 years ago
When those 2.5 million years pass,you might even meet the people you know again. I think in 2.5 million years,I’ll still like him -ChaeGyung
belbelbelynoss says
13 years ago
do not let me down this time :-)
belbelbelynoss says
13 years ago
hallooo.. kalo udah gini pasti insecure. hemhamhemham lallalallalalala.
belbelbelynoss says
13 years ago
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame~~
belbelbelynoss says
13 years ago
In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me. When I awake my poor heart pains~
belbelbelynoss says
13 years ago
Halo minggu. Sampaikan pada sabtu, kalo sesungguhnya untuk masa seperti ini aku benci dia. Hufth.
13 years ago
Well don't stop calling. You're the reason I love losing sleep~
belbelbelynoss feels
13 years ago
insecure :'-( fjasfhksdfasjfopjaslkfjad
belbelbelynoss says
13 years ago
aku gak sehebat itu loh. ternyata. hmmm.
belbelbelynoss says
13 years ago
ih emesh emesh emeshh emeshh :* :-D