44Friends 22Fans
female Cincinnati, OH, United States
I love knitting, word jokes, talking politics, cursing the oligarchy, buying local, and dancing along to Bollywood movies. I'm curious about almost everything and I never have enough time to get to all the things...not that I won't try!
bellygrace says
11 years ago 3
Must stop queuing sock patterns and finish actual socks...Must stop queuing sock patterns and finish actual socks...
bellygrace says
11 years ago We put a thistle feeder outside the kitchen window.
The goldfinches have found it! (applause)
bellygrace says
11 years ago 5 The obsession continues. All I did today was knit socks. All I want to do tonight? You guessed it. I have more sock yarn, so I'll keep going!
bellygrace says
11 years ago 4 I'm having a torrid love affair - with socks!
I hope everyone else is as enthralled with their knitting as I am!
bellygrace says
11 years ago
Ok, I'm still going to the gym. But I think I scared myself out if the cycle class. Is it as hard as it looks?
bellygrace says
11 years ago
Hmm...I took yesterday off from knitting since there was a spate of nerd wars activity. Now I'm afraid that I may be getting ennui! :-(
bellygrace says
11 years ago
I'm thinking of you, my fellow nerd warriors! I just slid in my last project, just under the wire. I hope you all got yours finished too! 8-)
bellygrace says
11 years ago
Woo hoo, it's knitting group night! (dance_okok)
bellygrace says
11 years ago This is why everyone should carry a sharpie.
(And fear the wrath of the banana.)
bellygrace says
11 years ago Now that is a good looking lunch, if I do day so myself. I hope everyone else has a great lunch too!!