44Friends 22Fans
female Cincinnati, OH, United States
I love knitting, word jokes, talking politics, cursing the oligarchy, buying local, and dancing along to Bollywood movies. I'm curious about almost everything and I never have enough time to get to all the things...not that I won't try!
bellygrace says
11 years ago 2
Almost time to scare people at the gym. I know I look crazy, but I run much faster if I watch Supernatural while I'm on the elliptical. (Русский)
bellygrace says
11 years ago 1 Why, yes! I did buy a whole lot of Swiss chard at the farmers market today!
bellygrace says
11 years ago 1
Dear Trader Joe: your roasted chicken patties are superb. Tonight, they went well with glazed carrots and steamed broccoli. Well done. (hungry)
bellygrace says
11 years ago 3 All hail Spring! Today we saw two foxes lying by a creek side while their three kits played around them. I love this season!
bellygrace says
11 years ago 5 Good morning, plurkies! Today, I pledge to clean the bathroom. My exciting life, huh? But wait! There will also be sock knitting. Better?
bellygrace says
11 years ago 2
Went out looking for the northern lights, but found the biggest possum in the universe. So, it was exciting either way! (dance)
bellygrace says
11 years ago 2
Ok...what exactly is this mammoth thing? Not-selling-you Facebook?
bellygrace says
11 years ago 5
Anyone in plurk land going to the Indiana fiber & music festival apr 27 - 28? I'm thinking of going and would love to meet up!
bellygrace says
11 years ago 1
Bound off one sock, going swimming later, it's knit night, and payday tomorrow. Who could ask for more? I hope everyone's day is as great! (flower)
bellygrace says
11 years ago 3
Up extra early - I had spider removal duties to perform! I'm pretty sure it was a sort of fishing spider.