25Friends 40Fans
male Second Life, United States
Virtual world traveler, hockey fan, baseball fan and coffee geek.

Google Talk & Yahoo Messenger ID: [email protected]
bennettsmythe thinks
16 years ago 3
about what's for lunch today... (g_thinking)
bennettsmythe says
16 years ago 6
coffee is on and I'm ready for another day.
16 years ago 6
bennettsmythe asks
16 years ago 6
the SL vets if it's normal to go through cycles of lots of SL activity and then not logging in for a week or two at a time?
bennettsmythe wonders
16 years ago
why I totally rock at Tiger Woods PGA Golf, but set new standards for crapitude at real golf?
bennettsmythe says
16 years ago 2
lunch menu today was chicken quesadilla. Yum!
bennettsmythe says
16 years ago
lit the furnace tonight. The heating season has begun. :-(
bennettsmythe says
16 years ago 3
a Hershey bar and a Dr. Pepper are making me very happy this afternoon. :-D
bennettsmythe says
16 years ago 2
aaaahh! I forgot to Plurk today. Sorry about that. Won't let it happen again.