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male Limerick, Ireland
Day 7 of 21 | Golf Slice Cure: the Importance of the Club Parallel Position post.ly/1cctd
Day 5 of 21 | Curing a Slice: Put It All Together to Produce a Draw Consistently! post.ly/1XujJ
Day 4 of 21 | Golf Alignment: Easy to Understand, Hard to Do post.ly/1XpYI
Best Golf Instruction First Competition: win this great book! post.ly/1WwP9
Day 2 of 21 | The Importance of Your Golf Ball Position and Foot Placement post.ly/1QStT
Day 1 of 21 | How Changing Your Golf Grip Can Make All The Difference post.ly/1Q24h
Correct Golf Slice in 21 Days - What to Expect post.ly/1Q21S
Fix your golf slice and correct your swing in only 21 days post.ly/1Q1yS
Bob Manns Automatic Golf DVD Review post.ly/1Q1vt
Video: Check Your Golf Backswing With This Simple Golf Drill post.ly/1Kwas