4Friends 19Fans
female Angeles, Philippines
uhm.. the neim is BEATRIZE C BOGNOT, yOu Can CoL hEr bHei., beA or aNytHinG nA guStO niO . ;-)) sHe cELebRaTe hEr BirTh dAy eVerYDay..ahaha!!.juks! eVeRy 6th oF MarCh.. uhm.. tHat's oL... bwAhAhAhA >:-) lol

ym: [email protected]
bhei_b says
15 years ago
iiyh.,bket mai ipis dito?! waaaah.. (LOL)
bhei_b feels
15 years ago
:-( waaaah.. crazy!
bhei_b is
15 years ago
:-( waaaaah..