17Friends 10Fans
male Binangonan, Philippines
i'm j3r0m3 bi6_r3d_skULL oLivAr...
b0rn3d SEPT.1,1994..
I'm 14yRs oLd,b0y,liVing witH a br0k3nh3art...
bUT hAppY w/ mY fri3nDzZz...
i d0 lik3 d3athn0t3 (sp3ciaLLy L)...
aNywAy,pLzZz aDD m3,j3j3j3...
tHx 4 vi3win6...
big_red_skull feels
15 years ago
dUmb.. j3j3j3..
big_red_skull says
15 years ago 2
aLa amAn6 m6wA.. ktmAd.. j3j3j3.. shAr3 ln6.. &_&
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
gUDnYt gUyZ.. h0p3 d3atH g0Ds wiLL n0t be Us t0ni6ht.. ^_^
big_red_skull is
15 years ago
n0t s0 sLe3py.. j3j3j3.. by th3 wAy.. g0oDnyt ev3ryon3.. ^_^
big_red_skull feels
15 years ago
b0rin6.. n0 0n3 t0 taLk t0.. j3j3j3.. :-P
big_red_skull is
15 years ago 19
r3aDin6 s0m3 man6a "a6ain"... (LOL)
big_red_skull has
15 years ago
big_red_skull... LOL... XD
big_red_skull was
15 years ago
g0in6 t0 watCh d3ath n0t3(a6ain)... j3j3j3... ^_^
big_red_skull is
15 years ago 2
h0w t0 cr3at3 an aLbUm???... XD
big_red_skull is
15 years ago
who0oaAahHh... watChin6 g0oD m0vi3s.. j3j3j3....