4Friends 3Fans
bigbigbangloves says
15 years ago
Chatted with shima just now. Like funny only. Why I love to disturb everyone? I tell you ok? No, I dont want to tell!! :-) (LOL)
bigbigbangloves says
15 years ago
She had her lunch alrdy!! Her mum brought for her duck rice. Yummy :-D
bigbigbangloves says
15 years ago
I am back to plurk. :-)
bigbigbangloves says
15 years ago
She going sleep alrdy!! Plurk soon. Bye and goodnight all. (wave)
bigbigbangloves says
15 years ago
Please take good care of yourself kay? :-) Is not good to be sick. You know what I am referring to? Promise me and be a good girl. :-D
bigbigbangloves feels
15 years ago
So sleepy and tired today. YAWNS :-o
bigbigbangloves hates
15 years ago
PEOPLE like them. Fcuk them off la. When I saw them, I feel like killing them with a knife.
bigbigbangloves wonders
15 years ago
If she wanna go for the upcoming hong kong trip? $$ again.
bigbigbangloves says
15 years ago
She dont understand you la. Please go go go away. Dont come and be a nuisance to me can? I beg you to leave me away as far as u can.Thankyou
bigbigbangloves says
15 years ago
She is gonna save $$ again. :-) To pay her own hp bills, buying make-up and grooming tops and bottom? Everything needs money!! (angry)