7Friends 0Fans
female Washington, DC, United States
Belarus @ Mayfield, Your mom @ Everywhere else
13 years ago
13 years ago 7
HRAWERRRRRRRRRRR I have so much stuff in my room. Like REAMS of paper and binders full of old school stuff (like old from school, not legit)
Cousin thinks
13 years ago
my manager should stop making people cover for him.
Cousin thinks
13 years ago 1
LJ can varnish my dick
Cousin shares
13 years ago 2 ....also, I ship Belarus and Imperial Spain, now.
Cousin is
13 years ago
thinking about redoing sample entry with zombie event instead...
Cousin is
13 years ago 10
working on application. THEY TOLD ME NOT TO OVERTHINK IT, JUST LEAVE IT-butbutbut must do welllllll. So probably going to rework it. Again.
Cousin shares
13 years ago 2
test run as Belarus... it's shorter than I thought it was gonna be, but... headscratch
13 years ago
I HAVE A COOL NEW SPAM BOT NAMED NIKKI. She wants to be a stripper. <3