5Friends 10Fans
female Alaminos, Philippines
An accOunting stAff of a rEaLty cOmpAny...jUst a sImpLe gIrL..,fUn and eAsy tO bE wIth...l♥vE tO mAkE pEopLe smiLe and LaUgh!!!Ü.,dAncIng is mY passiOn.,my fIrst l♥vE...
15 years ago
welcomes her new fan on plurk... (highfive)
15 years ago
sings...(whoa ow, ow whoa,whoa ow) I wanna know you... (music)
brEnda13 says
15 years ago
eArLy in thEW office.., (:
brEnda13 says
15 years ago
gOod mOrningt!
brEnda13 says
15 years ago
hot afternOon everyone!
brEnda13 says
15 years ago
brEnda13 says
15 years ago
gOod mOrning! so early in the office...
brEnda13 says
15 years ago
brEnda13 says
15 years ago
karma has totally gone down... (LOL)
brEnda13 says
15 years ago
gOod evEning!