13Friends 8Fans
United States
What you feel is what you are, and what you are is beautiful

Pagan Athiest
Multi-Fandom Lover
4 days ago 1
I am very tired for the fact I've slept twelve hours three nights in a row
5 days ago 4
Guys what am I supposed to do now
I finished the show I've been watching obsessively ;-;
I have nothing to do anymore ;-;
5 days ago
The end of How I Met Your Mother is so stupid
They spend the entire last season having Ted finally get over Robin, just to have them end up together at the end? Such a poor ending to one of the best shows of all time
5 days ago
Guys I'm very excited
Cause I only work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday this week
So I get to sleep in on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
I'm so behind on sleep this is a m a z i n g
1 weeks ago 8
Guys guess what
Today during practice for my solo
I didn't do any of the things that make my injured hamstring hurt
So anyway now I'm in basically no pain after class??? Is this how normal people handle being injured??
1 weeks ago
I am awake at 5:30am, which s u c k s
I made pancakes for breakfast yesterday, which means there's leftovers
So basically being awake this early sucks slightly less because I get to eat pancakes for breakfast :]
1 weeks ago 26
Guys I'm gonna make a single serve apple crisp
Because instagram told me to
And Instagram is the most trustworthy of sources when it comes to what you should make to eat
1 weeks ago 3
I'm very sleepy ;-; and I don't want to go to work either ;-;
1 weeks ago 14
I'm the kind of bisexual who dyes their hair when they have a life crisis
So anyway, should I dye the streaks pink, purple, red, or orange?
1 weeks ago
I wanted ti make chili today but I forgot to soak the beans last night
So I'm going to try and quick soak them, by boiling them briefly and then leaving them for an hour or so...we'll see if it works