23Friends 8Fans
female Philippines
burgundybell thinks
15 years ago 1
smart babies are overrated. dapat smart kids?
burgundybell hates
15 years ago
IM shots. they make her arm feel funny. :-(
burgundybell was
15 years ago
made speechless by the amazing cast of Bare. OMG.
burgundybell feels
15 years ago
relieved that she does not need to take the finals for OB. yay!
burgundybell is
15 years ago 2
watching the wild card show of american idol. i want megan in!
burgundybell is
15 years ago 1
frustrated with microsoft 2007. i can't read our research paper!
burgundybell has
15 years ago 12
plurked for the first time! yay!
burgundybell is
15 years ago
studying OB.