1Friends 1Fans
male Lansford, PA, United States
byzcath says
15 years ago
And now the clouds have moved back in...
byzcath says
15 years ago
Sunny Day Sweepin' the clouds away On my way to where the air is sweet
byzcath is
15 years ago
shopping with the mom-person
byzcath is
15 years ago
listening to Van Morrison on Leno
byzcath is
15 years ago
visiting with the relatives.
byzcath hopes
15 years ago
tomorrow is a better day
byzcath says
15 years ago
it was a good day with the confreres, but a long day.
byzcath is
15 years ago
watching a Garbo silent!
byzcath says
15 years ago
a cool but nice evening out here!
byzcath says
15 years ago
only a 25 minute wait I get a table!