아주 맛있었어요
17Friends 24Fans
Davao, Philippines
아주 맛있었어요 needs
13 years ago
some rest ヅ
아주 맛있었어요 loves
13 years ago
the overview of bukidnon
아주 맛있었어요 wishes
13 years ago
to have a BF so sooon :'-(
super bass ;-))
booom boom boom night ت
엌 choco crepe i love 엌
pretend to be good even if you're not, until it becomes a habit, and eventually it becomes a virtue.ﭢ
아주 맛있었어요 is
13 years ago
"avoiding something doesn't mean that you hate it.. it could also mean that you don't want it, but you just know that it isn't RiGHT" :-)
아주 맛있었어요 is
13 years ago
SEARCHiNG for a boyfriend but not LiAR! :-))
why would you gamble with the hardest thing in life if there are prolific things that are much easier to do. *_*