40Friends 38Fans
female Philippines
i am also and also and a bunch of other things you won't know just by looking at the two.

oh, and most of the day, takes up my time.
cheekiealbay says
16 years ago 2
THANK. GOD. IT'S. FRIDAY. (and i mean every word of that, in case i wasn't clear enough.)
16 years ago 10
you may not believe it, but... i'm selling DISCOUNTED tickets to the RIHANNA/CHRIS BROWN CONCERT!!! Any takers? They sell like hotcakes.
cheekiealbay is
16 years ago 12
downloading songs by the blue nile. how can anyone not love those old scottish geezers?!
cheekiealbay is
16 years ago 6
sleepy. what's new?
cheekiealbay is
16 years ago 17
feeling sick. must be that jar of peanut butter and chocolate she wolfed down awhile ago. that'll teach her not to gormandize.
cheekiealbay is
16 years ago 13
ecstatic about having her first fan. weee! i won't let you down. (although knowing me, i probably will.)
cheekiealbay is
16 years ago 6
yawning. and wondering why she can't work from home. Like, everyday. *yawn*