RIDDLE: One square hankerchief that talks to you when you open it.
RIDDLE:What kind of coat can
only be put on when wet?
RIDDLE:When one does not know what it is, then it is something; but when one knows what it is, then it is nothing.
RIDDLE:What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
RIDDLE:What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
Riddle:A boy Was Born In 1955 he just had his 18th birth day today how did that happen
RIDDLE:The person who makes me has no need for me The person who buys me doesnt use me The person who is using me doesnt know What am I?
RIDDLE: What has a mouth but cannot eat what moves but has no legs and what has a bank but cannot put money in it?