1Friends 6Fans
female Lakeland, FL, United States
hello kitty & cuteness.
iphone & apple FANATIC.
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 is
15 years ago
wide awake!!!!
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 is
15 years ago
getting ready for work. 11:15-9:00 pm. bleh (annoyed)
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 feels
15 years ago
great! tommorow my transaction goes through for my mamegoma wallet
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 is
15 years ago
dreading work today.. :-(
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 is
15 years ago
stressed out. Hopefully I can get another job besides RadioShack..
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 is
15 years ago
bored too ~__~ dying my hair again
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 is
15 years ago
excited! can't wait tip my wallet comes in!
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 is
15 years ago 2
At work. Just sold a good tv!
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 is
15 years ago 2
having a great time with her bestie Genie! just got done watching The Dark Knight
[OH!CHELLE]★彡 feels
15 years ago
very tired and sleepy after work *0*