21Friends 22Fans
male Taiwan
Certain melody and smell will be reminiscent of a story ,Some times will need to a little consolation form tired and relax.
chenfeng121 says
15 years ago 6
200個未讀 我一口氣把它全部變成已讀了 :-D
chenfeng121 feels
15 years ago 3
哇哈哈哈 財管期末考考一百分~~!!!大學第一個一百分!!
chenfeng121 feels
15 years ago 1
如果你姓柯 請把你的小孩取名為博文 他將成為救世主
chenfeng121 wonders
15 years ago
chenfeng121 wonders
15 years ago 6 20吋銀幕只要999....
chenfeng121 wonders
15 years ago 3
飯可以亂吃 話不可以亂說阿
chenfeng121 shares
15 years ago 1
CHOICE - PART1 中央大學經濟學系-期末短片
chenfeng121 wonders
15 years ago 1
不免俗 祝文碩生日快樂~~!!
chenfeng121 wonders
15 years ago
102 new responses , karma 54--47 COW
chenfeng121 wonders
15 years ago
一扣在扣 我要去洋蔥了!!!