Yes! After ,what is seemed, a lifetime, naka STING ulit ako!! :3
ika daw gisingin para magaral?! ugh!
Kapikon ng Typing Shark! Who ever thouht Informatics would be this hard! My hands are going to fall any minute now!
Just watched 'Falling for the Falls' episode! Chad and Sonny are together together. I wonder what will happen next. <3 Channy!!! :3
I wanna go to the Harry Potter Theme Park in Florida so bad!!! :3
It’s not the same without RBC! :3
My dream was so real, I thought I was really going to a Paul McCartney concert in Mexico! :3
new job for me! a step closer to being responsible! wish me luck! :3
that’s why i don’t like getting serious, i give my all but end up being frustrated!
feeling like the dumbest girl right now! gotta learn how to make a good NCP!!!