found lots of stuff for my paper~~but just don't know where to start!!!!! >.<
hmmm what should i eat for dinner? 冰箱快空ㄌ~~可是還有兩ㄍ星期~~不想花錢~~怎ㄇ半>.<
goin 2 sleep now..gonna finish my assignment in the morning~ luckily i think my presentation is almost ready~? haha anyway~nites everyone~~
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~just read through my assignment~~and i totally missed a whole section!!!! nooooooo!!!
just realized that i still have a journal to do @11, luckily that is done now~~~~wuhahaha
wow~~~can't believe it's sooo sunny now~~~
congrats to 盧彥勳one the first match!!!~~明天也要好好加油~~在rogers cup 取到好成績!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
done my laundry~and eating dinner right now...yum yumm~~