Always be approachable, friendly and warm smile in your appearance.
It's never the tears that measure the pain. Sometimes, it's the smile that we fake just to show others we're ok.
One best thing that a best friend can offer: To make you laugh even though you refuse to smile.
No quote can tell you what, or what not to do. Only you, yourself, have the power to make things happen.
Sometimes it's better 2 be clueless about what's happening around u rather than knowing every bit of information that silently kills u
She hurts and she cries, but you can't see the depression in her eyes, because she just smiles.
One important lesson in math that we can apply in our daily lives: always be careful with the “signs”.
It's better if someone doesn't recognize our existence rather than a person that knows we exist yet gives no worth.
I miss my childhood days. No worries, no responsibilities, no heartaches, no pain. It was so much easier. Just plain fun & innocence.