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male Taiwan
Chris shares
12 years ago
For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10
Chris shares
12 years ago
Pour out the overflowings of your anger, and look on everyone who is proud and abase him. -Job 40:11
Chris says
12 years ago
禱告並非強神所難,而是緊抓著神樂意的心! p.123
Chris shares
12 years ago
If we can stop for one, it's helping us to stop for a hundred, a thousand, a million & billions! Enlarge our heart & the spiritual life Lord
Chris says
12 years ago
除了單純的順服,絕對找不到平安與慰藉 ( 法國神學家 -弗朗索瓦‧芬乃倫 )
Chris gives
12 years ago 2
Thank You (Chinese Subtitles) by Ray BoltzThank You (Chinese Subtitles) by Ray Boltz Thank you Jesus made our life to give and the past, those who choice to give
Chris gives
12 years ago
Pray for you guys :-) Enjoy the strong glory shekinah, in the presence of GOD!! (woot)
Chris shares
12 years ago