4Friends 111Fans
male Orlando, FL, United States
Professional actor in Orlando, Florida. Seen at Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando and Sleuths.
15 years ago 5
summons hawks, bitches.
ChristianDamon says
15 years ago 2
the day has finally come. The roommate/ex thing finally came to a head (not because of anything relationship wise) and I'll need new housing
ChristianDamon will
15 years ago 5
be doing the R&T show at Sleuths on the 22nd... Anyone else?
ChristianDamon is
15 years ago 1
now being healthy. BodyPump class kicked my ass, and bought lots of healthy food I like. No more being a fatty!
ChristianDamon shares
15 years ago
that the next Disney auditions for comedic actors and vocalists have been scheduled for February 20th.
15 years ago 67
can now make a Death Knight on ANY server! Yay!
15 years ago
's karma is falling fast.
15 years ago 4
presents the dorkiest chart evar:
ChristianDamon is
15 years ago 1
stuck in a downward vortex of depression and despair... the result of being in demand and then...not.
15 years ago 1
doesn't care if this is fake (don't know), but it's still crazy.