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Clang says
12 years ago
That awkward moment when you're left alone with someone you're not close with (annoyed)
Clang says
13 years ago
Sometimes someone's smile comes to your mind and leaves one on your face :-)
Clang says
13 years ago
being single is fun, but sometimes u just need someone to hug and to tell u they love u : )
Clang says
13 years ago
December!!! Jesus Christ's Birthday Month!
Clang says
13 years ago
The reason why I don't speak to you anymore is because I keep telling myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would.
Clang says
13 years ago
Things change. Stuff happens. Life goes on.
Clang says
13 years ago
Welcome ROCKcember!
Clang says
13 years ago
"I still care" that's the problem.
Clang says
13 years ago
Even though we don't talk anymore, I will never forget our memories. (cozy)