95Friends 69Fans
male Culver City, CA, United States
Learning as much as possible. Making friends. Riding my moped around. Working freelance. Having fun being a twenty-something in LA.
codygee asks
16 years ago 9
what's the best movie to watch by yourself?
codygee is
16 years ago
riding his moped up to westwood.
16 years ago
misses warren g
codygee asks
16 years ago 9
what are some good giveaways? stuff you would actually want?
codygee wishes
16 years ago
he was a little bit taller. i love skee lo. Skee-Lo - I Wish
codygee has
16 years ago 1
created a rap monster
codygee has
16 years ago 7
a date tonight. jealous?
16 years ago 14
sweating out the day. 90F in LA! what the heow.
codygee is
16 years ago
sweating in his room. anyone have a laptop they need to get rid of?
codygee is
16 years ago 2
going to try yoga to end backpain. also to find my inner "ness". hello? ness?