83Friends 161Fans
female Staunton, VA, United States
I'm the biggest goofball you'll ever meet. I hate shoes, love coffee and random silliness is always in my schedule.

Melissa says
12 years ago 1
What she said: "this rag is full of nothing but holes". What I heard: "this rag is full of buttholes"... this is why most people t
Melissa says
12 years ago
Lmfao did my Nanny seriously just say 'don't knock it' ?
Melissa says
12 years ago
Can barely eat a jello mouse cup... but on the bright side, this tropical fruit capri sun is delicious!
Melissa says
12 years ago
Ugh i feel like gnashing my teeth together. 50% pain, 50% frustration.
Melissa says
12 years ago 1
Oh man, my jaw is KILLING me! Attempts to ignore it
Melissa says
12 years ago
Sleepy txting with drewbie <3
Melissa says
12 years ago
Family guy, defiler reading then sleep.. but the sleep thing is more of a wish than something I'm sure I'll be doing
Melissa says
12 years ago
Frustrated, don't have a person be a call lady if said lady doesn't know how to transfer calls. I need to make an appointment but
Melissa says
12 years ago
Trouble sleeping again so I've made a date with Brian Lumely.
Melissa says
12 years ago
I love the kindle app for android but it sucks up way too much battery power o(>_<;-)p