12Friends 6Fans
male Durham, NC, United States
16 years ago
Thanks tamaragielen for the ping invite, we'll see how this works out. Everyone else: for multisite update,beta invite: landofping
covati is
16 years ago
trying to be productive as he resists food coma. Reading company marketing material is not exciting.
covati hates
16 years ago
trying to keep up with so many social apps. They are making me antisocial.
covati is
16 years ago
showing David how sweet the iPod nano is. Yea, he's in now - "Yup, I'm gonna get one"
covati is
16 years ago 1
showing Jameson Plurk. He says, "It looks suspiciously like twitter." So true. So true.
covati asks
16 years ago
his developer neighbor for some php API help, and receives. Who needs virtual?
covati is
16 years ago 3
wondering how people have time to tweet and plurk and work... (woot)
covati will
16 years ago
need to take a nap after having eaten too much at mt fuji and emelia's in brightleaf
covati wants
16 years ago 1
to have a coffee, but is trying to avoid caffeine ;-)
covati is
16 years ago
Checking out Plurk, pretty interesting, a more visual twitter