Headed off to beautiful Elkton OR to work with Brandborg Winery
Veraison in OR now at 100% (more or less). Look for harvest in about 45 days. Weather nice and sunny now!
45 days from veraison to harvest, many OR pinot vineyards at only 5%, the math is starting to look challenging.
Brava again Hillary. That took guts and a lot of class.
Brava Hillary Clinton! A great and moving speech.
Just back from 2 days on the Oregon coast with a very windburned face. As always it was great.
Oregon heat wave followed by cool and rain to be followed by heat. Powdery mildew heaven. A challenging year indeed.
2nd day of 100+F. in the Willamette Valley. Not good vine days.
The harvest has started in Sonoma already. Global warming anyone?
Other than my OS, I am finally more or less Microsoft free!