-[J]une.TLT !
31Friends 7Fans
female Singapore
Hello :-D My name is June Theng Li Tong
My big day is 2606.
I can really go very emotional at times.
I always wanted a fariytale ending in all the things i do.
life doesnt always go the way you want.
I realise Friends,GirlFriends,Boyfriends,Siste
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
Sorry sorry for nott plurking as much ): exams here !!!
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
Haven been pluking ! Damn ! He damn bastard sehs
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
Damn the whatever that cock up my way to school. Fuck sehs.
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
Wont be plurking and twitting as much. End of year coming. smsyo.com
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
Still sick, but still went school (:
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
Basketball yesss ?????
-[J]une.TLT ! asks
15 years ago
Basketball anyone ???!!!??!!!?!?!?!??!!!?!
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
I just sent someone whom is so dear away. I havent seen her in 8years
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
Tonning with favourites. smsyo.com
-[J]une.TLT ! says
15 years ago
Sorry, this is my house. I dont like ppl to take my things without permission. smsyo.com