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female Singapore
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
I am getting flu again, because its night. Back starting to feel pain, throat feeling uncomfortable AGAIN. What the ...
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
Glad that talked with her just now, hope she is better. (:
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
Shepherds Meet was goodgood today, but disappointed in myself because my leading games was like TOTALLY-NOT-WELL-DONE. D:
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
The Yong just now sleep so long, make me waited for his reply whether want to go Haji Lane to find CKL, apparently CKL is also waiting.
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
Chou LeeJing said LeeMinHo not shuai, haha. :-D
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
just came back just now from dinner with TLJ. :-D
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
Hope that you can come back soon to serve God together with us. (: Praying for you, and see you later.
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
Its a Saturday without Service. (:
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago
Feel guilty, D: Because school starts, didn't really manage my time, and didn't let out time to talk to people who want to talk to me. D:
Cristine,我 says
14 years ago 1
One of the teachers said girls are more mature. :-D