6Friends 4Fans
female Annapolis, MD, United States
I'm a needleworker, knitter, English & History major, and am owned by a Golden Retriever, Kasey Kay. I'm having a ball (pun intended) knitting things I can wear since I don't have time for my stitching while going to college.
crossdpurposes is
13 years ago
trying to get into "Despicable Me." So far...MEH! I have better movies in my collection.
crossdpurposes has
13 years ago
just finished my Laurel Feathered Cowl. It took less than 6 days. Now it's time to get some sleep. Dialysis tomorrow, then some homework.
crossdpurposes says
13 years ago
goodnight, all! I am falling asleep in my chair and now heeding my bed's siren call...
crossdpurposes says
13 years ago
Goodnight (morning?) All! Time to get some shut-eye so I can finish up this week's coursework.
crossdpurposes says
13 years ago
modem is to get the printer up & running...
crossdpurposes is
13 years ago
turning all the wi-fi off to put in a new cable modem and connect a different printer. Hopefully everything will work! Wish me luck!
crossdpurposes hates
13 years ago
scheduled system downtime! Just when I have all the answers for the 1st chapter assessment, the school website is down for maintenance.
crossdpurposes is
13 years ago
done for the night. Dialysis in the a.m., then to the school bookstore to get the books & supplies for my weather course that starts Monday.
crossdpurposes says
13 years ago
Goodnight, All!
crossdpurposes is
13 years ago
watching one of my favorite shows from middle school, "Robin of Sherwood" on Hulu. Clannad did the entire soundtrack-love their music.