the crab
6Friends 2Fans
female Dallas, TX, United States
i am but a small crab
the crab
9 years ago 5
[yowapeda] welp...i finally got caught up with the manga
the crab
9 years ago 12
hello plurk! how is everyone's life going?
the crab
9 years ago 3
it is the year 2000 and i am in a bidding war on ebay
the crab
9 years ago 1
being freelance is hard :c
the crab
9 years ago
when you check into a hotel and judge it based on how many people could comfortably fit if there was a convention
the crab
9 years ago
my aunt and uncle gave me a 20 lb blanket for christmas and now i can't live without it
the crab is
10 years ago 8
there a way to see when i'm tagged in plurks...i still don't even understand this dang website :c
the crab
10 years ago 4
the crab
10 years ago
me looking at bag of cat treats: 1.25 calories each? i wonder if they taste okay.....
the crab
10 years ago
forced hot air is my enemy