Crystal Espers
1Friends 0Fans
female secret, Wouldn't you like to know ;D, United States
A material girl in her own world.
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago
Why can't the stuff I need for my map be in the book? I had to go through so many google results just to find the where the nobi plain is.D:
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago 4
Just completed my China map for geography. These names are going to be so hard to remember D:
Now to start on Korea & Japan!
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago
I hate that I can only breathe out of one nostril and it switches back and forth. Rarely can a breathe out of both at the same time. :S
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago
Oh and I got the beta invite to the Sword Girls CCG! The art for the cards in game is AMAZING!!
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago
I'm sick and winter is just starting =_= Only 3 more classes left until next year though!
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago 1
I'm not liking the new Last Exile as much as the first series. To me it lost the "umph" the first one had that made me like it so much.
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago
I don't have money for any of the Black Friday sales is sad :-(
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago 6
Tried Dim Sum for the first time yesterday it was so tasty!
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago 6
just woke from having the weirdest dream. I was back at my old house and I had gotten a girl baby from someone that I had to take care of.
Crystal Espers is
13 years ago
there wasn't a test today and no school on Wednesday 6 day weekend!