17Friends 3Fans
Loughborough, Great Britain (UK)
上人: 人好心好,可是嘴不好,也不能算是好人('.')
Cylie양정의 分享
13 years ago
昨早我很緊張跟我媽說: "嘛! XX 捲心酥, 也中了塑化劑", 我媽也很緊張的走到捲心酥面前, 然後對我說: "細喔~ 那我先吃兩枝再說~~!!!" :-o
13 years ago
:-(why ?when i feel bad, everyone is busy?! especially you
Cylie양정의 討厭
13 years ago
i am a busy body!!!!
Cylie양정의 覺得
13 years ago
吃了最愛的肉粽,~感覺~天氣超超超熱 (after having my favourite rice dumpling, the super hot weather is coming.! ) Gosh today! (doh)
Cylie양정의 覺得
13 years ago
very tired+silly! ~ (Time is not enough between working and chatting). ~wish nature awake every day.! 很呆又很累, 時間不夠讓工作或討論所分配, 希望每天可以睡到自然醒!
Cylie양정의 討厭
13 years ago
Big Head~~~!!! (annoyed)
Cylie양정의 覺得
13 years ago
feeling a bit boring...need to have a long holiday.~ expect! (drinking)