Not being ready when the person coming to get you texts: "I'm outside. " #omgthatssotrue
When my computer says "press any key", I always press Enter/Space bar. (Fan Idea) #omgthatssotrue
I randomly walk up to my fridge, open it, look, and walk away. #omgthatssotrue
Laughing harder when you try to explain WHY you're laughing hard. #omgthatssotrue
You walk right past me, glance at me, why don't you just say hi? #omgthatssotrue
I have 500+ songs on my iPod, but I listen to the same 3 over and over. #omgthatssotrue
Back then: "Tag, you're it" "Forget it, I don't wanna play anymore". #omgthatssotrue
Can you talk to me first sometimes? Otherwise I feel like I'm annoying you. #omgthatssotrue
Freaking out hysterically when you are about to die in a video game. #omgthatssotrue
Drawing an arrow on the bottom of the page so the teacher knows to flip the page over. #omgthatssotrue