43Friends 53Fans
male Bangalore, India
Has been working at AOL for 5 years. Joined plurk because of the hype. Exists on Digg under the same username. Likes Digg and has been a regular on it since 2005. Likes good food, good music, good games & good photography. Yup, that's it.
darkchild82 is
16 years ago 1
hoping Portugal scores another goal!
darkchild82 asks
16 years ago 3
what's your favourite brand of beer? I'm leaving office and heading out for some Cobra with some buddies :-))
darkchild82 is
16 years ago 5
currently listening to Coldplay's new album 'Viva La Vida'... and he loves the track 'Lovers in Japan' ! :-))
darkchild82 has
16 years ago 1
to plurk more often to keep his karma up :-/
darkchild82 has
16 years ago 2
felt like submitting something Digg again!
darkchild82 thinks
16 years ago 1
the Netherlands VS. Italy match was awesome! Even though the first goal should've been void, Netherlands played better than the Italians!
darkchild82 is
16 years ago 2
watching Romania play France. Kinda boring so far, will head home soon to watch the big one that's after this! :-)
darkchild82 has
16 years ago
returned after dropping his mom off at the airport. No mood to work but has to :-(
darkchild82 wishes
16 years ago
every fellow plurker a happy weekend. He's heading home & will be back on Monday.
darkchild82 feels
16 years ago 2
sleepy. Goodnight from this part of the world.