Darryl Fox
12Friends 8Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
You’re the princess and I’m the servant
Poor twins who are separated by fate
If it’s for the sake of protecting you
I’ll even become evil
Darryl Fox
13 years ago
muhasabah malem ini oke banget, bikin takut mati
Darryl Fox
13 years ago
this place is my runaway
Darryl Fox says
13 years ago 3
Darryl Fox
15 years ago
mark all as read
Darryl Fox
15 years ago
halo halo halo HALOOOOOOOO!
Darryl Fox
15 years ago
my karma is from 41 to 33.48
Darryl Fox
15 years ago 3
back to Plurk setelah lama gak ngeplurk
Darryl Fox says
15 years ago 1
Darryl Fox says
15 years ago
Darryl Fox says
15 years ago