8Friends 12Fans
male Parma, Italy
dayn says
14 years ago
Apologies for the "Reading:" flood yesterday. dlvrit says delicious changed a bunch of GUIDs, causing the re-tweeting of old bookmarks.
dayn says
14 years ago
Can we get a UI redesign already pandora? Don't make me get all wireframy on you. #wishihadtime
dayn says
14 years ago
What's your Swedish furniture name? via @becky_sue... I mean BEKKII
dayn says
14 years ago
Headed across the riv with gradybritton for a big pitch. How's my hair?
dayn says
14 years ago
Just passed hour 6 of today's pitch preparation for tomorrow with the gradybritton team. Marathon.
dayn says
14 years ago
No, I don't have a Fred Meyer rewards card with me. Why? Because it's fugly. & tell someone to do something about the rural test logo too.
dayn says
14 years ago
Sat morning with coffee and facebook ads. 10 million impressions is not too shabby for a local company, no?
dayn says
14 years ago
Dear RICOH printer: "Media Jam!" sounds way more fun than it actually is. I came running around the corner expecting at least a drum circle.
dayn says
14 years ago
Just launched #OAuth login for twuffer. Whew. Just under the gun. Hi-fives to joeyyax.
dayn says
14 years ago
RT gradybritton: What? Agencies are changing? dayn theandy & daveatnorth at New Communicators, Sept. 15. bit.ly/bO2rbo #thenewcom