8Friends 12Fans
male Parma, Italy
dayn says
14 years ago
I feel like a lot of people don't consider themselves "tech savvy" because too often they've had to deal with bad user experiences. #ux
dayn says
14 years ago
That ABC news globe iPad app seems like a tremendous waste of space.
dayn says
14 years ago
There it is. I almost made it through the day without seeing some sort of ethnic and or new age establishment adorned with Papyrus font.
dayn says
14 years ago
Missing pdxwp, but looking fwd to the big announcement!
dayn says
14 years ago
Giving the Pulse iPhone news reader app a go. I'm a pretty big reeder fan, so it's a tough sell, but I like it so far.
dayn says
14 years ago
Updating my Facebook iPhone app in anticipation of Places.
dayn says
14 years ago
I'm spending the whole night with you, omnigraffle. You, me, and Trader Joes version of Corona. Long, hot night of wireframing.
dayn says
14 years ago
If sharepoint 2010 can pull off the things I have wireframed for it, I will be so pleasantly impressed. Forums & news & groups, oh my.
dayn says
14 years ago
Anyone know if you can track a offsite "thank you" page as a goal with Google Analytics?
dayn says
14 years ago
OH What is the proper spelling of "Git-r done"?