8Friends 12Fans
male Parma, Italy
dayn says
14 years ago
So angry at joeyyax for having #newtwitter before me.
dayn says
14 years ago
Well, here's what my Sunday looked like. Pretty douchey. ping.fm/jvmqW
dayn says
14 years ago
Do they have high chairs at Hooters?
dayn says
14 years ago
Raining. Looks like a day made for evernote, keynote, and Chrome.
dayn says
14 years ago
It's wonderfully affirming to have Google's Gmail report, "Woohoo! You've read all the important messages in your inbox." Priority Inbox FTW
dayn says
14 years ago
Dear Illustrator and Photoshop CS3: Let's decide on command+t. Show Character Palette or Free Transform. Someone at Adobe make the call.
dayn says
14 years ago
Tasty vintage design work from Geigy. Love that Akzidenz Grotesk. ping.fm/XDBL5
dayn says
14 years ago
I'm freakin out about Gmail's Priority Inbox. Love it. Google is up in my brains, killin my doods. ping.fm/nRJaO
dayn says
14 years ago
iTunes is feeling much like Firefox with too many plugins now.
dayn says
14 years ago
My AppleTV seems to totally invisible to iTunes 10. I don't even get an AppleTV preference pane.