75Friends 105Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
Adding natural sea salts to your bath (in the form of bath salts) is a wonderful way to treat your
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
From the pacific ocean to the Himalayas we have premium salts for all your cooking needs.
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
Bathing in sea salts moisturizes dry, chapped skin, and balances oily skin.
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
Bath salts contain many valuable nutrients and minerals that are naturally found in the sea.
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
The increase in blood flow also helps dissolve and eliminate toxins from the body and increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood thro
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
bathing in hot water increases blood circulation and cell oxygenation.
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
I had taken a few baths with Lavender bath oil before I rediscovered my salts, so I put both the salts and oils in.
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
So, my large container of quality sea salts languished on various bathroom shelves and floors for many years.
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
Wanting to experience this joy over and over again, I rushed out and bought a vat of bathing
deadseasalt says
14 years ago
Hydrossotherapie, bathing in nutrient rich seawater, emerged in France as a treatment for all kinds of ailments ranging from menta