12Friends 6Fans
female Singapore
baby let's cruise... :-)
deelight says
15 years ago
ive been having nightmares lately, should stop watching toi much horror flicks
deelight says
15 years ago 3
i am spamming plurk hoping to regain my lost karma weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
deelight says
15 years ago
i got a feeling...... that tonyts gonna be a gud nyt (cozy)
deelight says
15 years ago 8
ngano wala mn koy talent sa make-up?!? mag lessons nya ko hihihi
deelight says
15 years ago 2
80s party tonight, gud lucksa akong costume (LOL)
deelight says
15 years ago
gud mornong ur plurkinessssssss!
deelight says
15 years ago 4
lx3 or g11 (confused)
deelight says
15 years ago 5
watchin d newest tv series, "V", lets see if all d hype is worth it
deelight says
15 years ago
yehey! pizza later at 5 (mmm)
deelight says
15 years ago 4
i saw flash, superman and a few cowboys during lunch  and an angel too! fun fun fun