11Friends 21Fans
male Hazelwood, MO, United States
15 years ago
A smile is a sign of joy. A hug is a sign of love. A laugh is a sign of happiness. And a friend like me!? Hell; that's a sign of good taste!
15 years ago
"I Don't Care What the Test Says! I Am A Virgin!" Reflection, joke, & SFO rule at blog ( Read, learn, enjoy.
deh_sfo shares
15 years ago
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. (lmao)
deh_sfo shares
15 years ago
"Has There Ever Been a Paternity Suit Against God?" Read a reflection on the Apostles' Creed at my blog (
deh_sfo shares
15 years ago
"I Believe! I Do, I Do, I Do!!" Read the relection/meditation at My daily blog. Has joke & SFO Rule also today.
deh_sfo shares
15 years ago
If you need the answer to any question, come to my house. I have teenager's, & apparently they know everything! :-)
deh_sfo shares
15 years ago
Read my reflection at "Dan's Blunders & Wonders of Thought!" ( Titled: "I Believe! I Do, I Do, I Do!!"
deh_sfo shares
15 years ago
It's a new month, & I will be tackling the Apostles Creed for the 1st half. "I Believe! I Do, I Do, I Do!!" Reflection at my blog site.
deh_sfo shares
15 years ago
... at the end of the day, it gets dark!
15 years ago
Prayer Reflection, Catholic Joke, Halloween thought, & Saint Bio today at my blog (